The Jazzcat

Jazzcat Hosting

Special 1 Hour Episode of “The Jazz Creative” TONIGHT!! celebrating Miles Davis!

by on Jun.24, 2016, under Jazzcat Hosting, News, Television

The Jazz Creative New Logo

Robert Glasper and Terrace Martin tear it up in the special 1hr episode of The Jazz Creative celebrating the legendary Miles Davis!


Friday June 24th

10pm PDT / 1am EDT

on the


Click here to find the Aspire channel in your area!

Aspire Television Network

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You will see concert footage from the “Miles in May” performance at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza and inteviews with Terrace and Robert as well as dancers Debbie Allen and former wife Frances Taylor Davis!


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The Jazz Creative and All Music Television Partner in Community-Wide Celebration #Miles90, Hosted by Baldwin Hills Crenshaw

LOS ANGELES— GRAMMY-nominated producer/musician Terrace Martin will join GRAMMY-winning jazz pianist Robert Glasper for a tribute to Miles Davis on May 19, hosted by Baldwin Hills Crenshaw in partnership with The Jazz Creative and All Music Television. The celebration honors internationally renowned music icon Miles Davis in recognition of what would have been his 90th birthday on May 26.

Terrace-Martin-grammyThe music, art, and cultural festivities feature Terrace Martin, who will perform a special Miles Davis tribute. Martin is one of the key collaborators on Kendrick Lamar’s multi-GRAMMY award-winning album To Pimp A ButterflyRobertGlasper Robert Glasper, who scored theMiles Ahead soundtrack and produced the forthcoming “re-imagined” interpretations of Davis’s music titled Everything’s Beautiful (out May 27) featuring Stevie Wonder, Erykah Badu and Bilal among others, will also participate in a behind-the-scenes interview. Additional young contemporary artists will also honor and celebrate Davis during #Miles90. Visuals will be provided by jazz portrait artist Jazmin Hicks, whose work will be on display throughout the event.

The Jazz Creative New Logo

The Jazz Creative is a weekly television series dedicated to jazz and blues hosted on All Music Television, among the most relevant and popular jazz websites.


Baldwin Hills Crenshaw, located in South Los Angeles, has long been referred to as the “Harlem of the West” and is known for fostering local and touring musicians since the 1930s. As host of #Miles90, BHC celebrates the region’s rich history as the epicenter of jazz music on the West Coast. The event is part of Baldwin Hills Crenshaw’s commitment to providing music, art and entertainment programing that reflects the culture of the region and infuses energy into the Crenshaw Corridor.


#Miles90 closely follows the national theatrical release of the feature film Miles Ahead, starring Don Cheadle, who also made his directorial debut based on an original screenplay co-written with Steven Baigelman.


WHEN: Thursday, May 19, 2016
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.


WHERE: Baldwin Hills Crenshaw
Macy’s Bridge
3650 West Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90008

WHAT: Free community event celebrating music icon Miles Davis with behind-the-scenes interviews by Host DJ Moonbaby and more.


WHO: Two-time GRAMMY-winning artist Robert Glasper and GRAMMY-nominated producer Terrace Martin; Jazz Portrait Artist Jazmin Hicks;

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The Jazz Creative Host  LeRoy Downs “The Jazzcat”; GRAMMY Pro Buzzing’ Curator DJ Moonbaby/Moonbaby Media The Bridge; All Music Television; Fusicology, Digital Media Partner; Hosted by Baldwin Hills Crenshaw.

AMTV logo

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Come Celebrate an Entire Day of Music on June 21st. Make Music LA Day!!!

by on Jun.16, 2016, under Events, Jazzcat Hosting, News

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Over 200 Free Outdoor Music Making Events to be Held across Los Angeles when Make Music LA will return for its 5th year with a wild and wonderful mix of over 200 free, outdoor musical events on Tuesday, June 21!  Make Music Day LA is part of Make Music Day, a global music celebration that takes place on the summer solstice each year and brings people of all ages and skill levels together to make music. This year, 36 U.S. cities – nearly twice as many as last year and the entire state of Vermont will host thousands of Make Music performances across the country as part of the world’s largest annual music event.

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Make Music Day began in France in 1982 as the Fete de la Musique, and it has since spread to over 700 cities across 120 countries. Completely different from a typical music festival, Make Music concerts are performed by anyone who wants to take part and enjoyed by everyone who wants to attend. From classical to folk, hip, hop to opera, Latin jazz, storefronts, and other public spaces on the longest day of the Last year over 200 concerts were given for Make Music LA, and even more are expected this year. Highlights of Make Music LA will include Mass Appeal events where the public is invited to bring their instruments.

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This year will feature Brit Rodriguez leading Ukulele events, Tony White leading a Conn-Selmer, PBone Mini event, and Tom Nolan leading the Harmonica Mass Appeal events. Locations will be posted on the website along with musical performances in locations such as Downtown LA, South LA, Santa Monica, Monterey Park, and Pacoima among others.


Any musician, amateur or professional, young or old, is invited to take part by signing up at Registration closes June 15th. Likewise, businesses, buildings, schools, churches, and other institutions can visit the website to offer their outdoor spaces as concert locations.

brit rodriguez tom nolan

A full schedule of events will be posted at in late May.


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As Part of Annual Global Celebration!!


About Make Music Day


Held annually on June 21, Make Music Day is part of the international Fete de la Musique, taking place in 700 cities across 120 countries. The daylong, musical free-
for-all music in all its forms, encouraging people to band together and play in free public concerts. This year, 36 U.S. cities and the entire state of Vermont are organizing Make Music Celebrations, encompassing thousands of music making opportunities nationwide. Make Music Day is presented by the NAMM Foundation and coordinated by the nonprofit Make Music Alliance.

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Listen and Love Jazz with LeRoy Downs 2 hours on 90.7 FM KPFK Friday June17th Show

by on Jun.16, 2016, under Jazzcat Hosting, News, Radio


Friday June 17th

8pm to 10pm 


A Special Blend of Jazz!!! Freedom you don’t hear anywhere else!

Let’s spend some time together, I’ll spin and you enjoy. That sounds like a good deal!

Happy to once again be on the air at 90.7 FM KPFK. Click any pic and Listen!!

June 17, 2016 Show


90.7 FM or KPFK.ORG

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LeRoy Downs hosts Connie at Catalinas! Tuesday June 7 @ 8:30pm

by on Jun.06, 2016, under Events, Jazzcat Hosting, News

Connie Catalina 6.7.16 flier

Don’t miss the Connie Han Trio featuring our one and only Bob Sheppard. When you want to know where to go and who to go check out, the music and the vitality of youth behind the power of the sound is right at your fingertips!

The Connie Han Trio

Featuring Bob Sheppard

Tuesday June 7th @ 8:30 Pm

Catalinas Bar and Grill!


It will be my pleasure to introduce to you one of Los Angeles’ finest young talents. Connie Han has been playing around town and is smoking’ up a storm. If you love jazz and want to be in the know, come on out and check out Connie Han and her Trio! Connie on piano, Chris Coangelo on bass and Bill Wysaske on drums featuring the one and only Bob Sheppard!!!


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Bob Sheppard

chris colangeloWsaske

Chris Coangelo and Bill Wysaske

Barbara Brighton

Barbara Brighton has dedicated decades to producing and featuring the best in her Young Talent Series!bCome out, have dinner and support your young jazz musicians tonight!! We are waiting for you!!!

Click picture of Catalinas for directions!

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LD Spinning The JAZZ Creatively on KPFK Fri June 3rd Listen

by on Jun.02, 2016, under Jazzcat Hosting, News, Radio


Friday June 3rd

8pm to 10pm 


Click Jazzcat Pic and get 2 Hours of ExtraOrdinarySonicLove!!!

Happy to once again be on the air at 90.7 FM KPFK. Tune in this Friday

June 3, 2016

8pm – 10pm PST


90.7 FM or KPFK.ORG

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“Miles in May” May 19th @ the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza!

by on May.13, 2016, under Events, Jazzcat Hosting, News

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The Jazz Creative and All Music Television Partner in Community-Wide Celebration #Miles90, Hosted by Baldwin Hills Crenshaw

LOS ANGELES— GRAMMY-nominated producer/musician Terrace Martin will join GRAMMY-winning jazz pianist Robert Glasper for a tribute to Miles Davis on May 19, hosted by Baldwin Hills Crenshaw in partnership with The Jazz Creative and All Music Television. The celebration honors internationally renowned music icon Miles Davis in recognition of what would have been his 90th birthday on May 26.

Terrace-Martin-grammyThe music, art, and cultural festivities feature Terrace Martin, who will perform a special Miles Davis tribute. Martin is one of the key collaborators on Kendrick Lamar’s multi-GRAMMY award-winning album To Pimp A Butterfly. RobertGlasper Robert Glasper, who scored theMiles Ahead soundtrack and produced the forthcoming “re-imagined” interpretations of Davis’s music titled Everything’s Beautiful (out May 27) featuring Stevie Wonder, Erykah Badu and Bilal among others, will also participate in a behind-the-scenes interview. Additional young contemporary artists will also honor and celebrate Davis during #Miles90. Visuals will be provided by jazz portrait artist Jazmin Hicks, whose work will be on display throughout the event.

The Jazz Creative New Logo

The Jazz Creative is a weekly television series dedicated to jazz and blues hosted on All Music Television, among the most relevant and popular jazz websites.


Baldwin Hills Crenshaw, located in South Los Angeles, has long been referred to as the “Harlem of the West” and is known for fostering local and touring musicians since the 1930s. As host of #Miles90, BHC celebrates the region’s rich history as the epicenter of jazz music on the West Coast. The event is part of Baldwin Hills Crenshaw’s commitment to providing music, art and entertainment programing that reflects the culture of the region and infuses energy into the Crenshaw Corridor.


#Miles90 closely follows the national theatrical release of the feature film Miles Ahead, starring Don Cheadle, who also made his directorial debut based on an original screenplay co-written with Steven Baigelman.


WHEN: Thursday, May 19, 2016
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.


WHERE: Baldwin Hills Crenshaw
Macy’s Bridge
3650 West Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90008

WHAT: Free community event celebrating music icon Miles Davis with behind-the-scenes interviews by Host DJ Moonbaby and more.


WHO: Two-time GRAMMY-winning artist Robert Glasper and GRAMMY-nominated producer Terrace Martin; Jazz Portrait Artist Jazmin Hicks;

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jazzcat MoonBaby

The Jazz Creative Host  LeRoy Downs “The Jazzcat”; GRAMMY Pro Buzzing’ Curator DJ Moonbaby/Moonbaby Media ; The Bridge; All Music Television; Fusicology, Digital Media Partner; Hosted by Baldwin Hills Crenshaw.

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LeRoy Downs hosts Saturday Night Jazz DTLA TONIGHT May 14th with Justo Almario!!!

by on May.12, 2016, under Events, Jazzcat Hosting, News

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Los Angeles!!!! This is one of our dear beautiful Brothers of the music JUSTO ALMARIO! Come on out TONIGHT and hear Justo blow down the house with the help of the Charles Mingus Ensemble from UCLA!

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Located inside Au Lac Restaurant

710 W 1st St Los Angeles, CA 90012

2 Sets 7:30 and 9pm

Au Lac Picture for Directions


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LdextravaI’ll be your host along with cathy_homeMs Cathy Segal Garcia and we guarantee the you will have a splendid night of music! I hear the food is fantastic so come on down, parking is easy and the music will be on high!

Look forward to seeing you tonight and we will be swinging’ the thing!

Click any picture for Tonight’s Details!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Leimert Park Celebrates International Jazz Day!

by on May.03, 2016, under Events, Jazzcat Hosting, News

Lemiert Park

From Barack and Michelle Obama all the way down to Leimert Park and around the world,  International Jazz Day, in it fourth year, spotlights a day of Jazz, a moment in time and a spark of joyful vibrations within that connects our Universe. barack-obama-michelle-obama-sxsw-2016-000Sounds like big shoes to fill but, music is a bonding agent that makes us feel, reflect and recall memories to relive. One of America’s biggest unspoken languages is JAZZ. It’s an interpretation of our world, how we live, breathe and share our expressions with each other. It connects heart, mind, body and soul and without having to speak one word, we emote with our family, friends, neighbors, communities, cultures, and countries. It is a game changer! Once you hear the music your state is altered and if you were in Leimert Park on Saturday, then you know that Jazz changed your vibration!

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It was the perfect equation; Jazz plus food, sunshine, people and dancing make for a day not to miss. KJazz along with the Barbara Morrison Performing Arts Center got together and put on a fantastic performance for the the community of Leimert Park!

Photography by Cynthia Lum

Hosted by LeRoy Downs, the afternoon was filled with the excitement of sound! In honor of Jazz Appreciation Month, Barbara Morrison has been having performances every evening at her Performing arts center, 30 days of jazz music! She topped it off with a great International Jazz Day Celebration with Dwight Trible, The Chester Whitmore Big Band as well as the John Stephens Big Band. Queen Barbara stepped in and blew them down with a tune or two as Leimert Park patrons soaked up the sun and the music!


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It is nice when you know the city is on your side! Representatives from the Los Angeles City Council and a few other advocates for all good things in the neighborhood came out to she their support of Barbara and International Jazz Day by giving and receiving proclamations!

IMG_4168 All in all it was power and beautiful Day! A big thanks Stephanie of Kjazz and the one and only reigning Queen of Leimert Park, Barbara Morrison for their compassion, diligence, and dedication to Jazz!


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Episode 3 of The Jazz Creative Airs on April 29th @ 10pm PST/ 1am EST on Aspire TV

by on Apr.28, 2016, under Events, Jazzcat Hosting, Television

The Jazz Creative New Logo

The Jazz Creative 3rd Episode to Air on April 29th on the ASPiRE TV NETWORK

The Jazz Creative Episode 3

April 29, 2016

10PM PST and 1am EST


Click here to find the Aspire channel in your area!

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The Jazz Giants honoring and paying tribute to Jaco Pastorious!!!!

Bass iconoclast Jaco Pastorius (seen here in 1986) is the subject of a new documentary produced by Metallica's Robert Trujillo.Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 8.14.49 PM

The 3rd episode of The Jazz creative features guests Peter Erskine, Ben Williams, Will Lee, John Beasley, Christian McBride, Brian Blade with performances by Danny Janklow  and Nicole Mitchell!!!

International Jazz Day

International Jazz Day is April 30th

and it is celebrated all over the World. This Year, President Barak and Michell Obama will host the event at The White House and it will be broadcast @ 8pm on ABC TV!!!

CO5A7967-Edit_DSC6571The California Jazz Foundation honors great bassist, educator and composer…

John Clayton!

Click above to watch the Episode 1 & 2 of The Jazz Creative!

The Jazz Creative, the only regularly scheduled music television series to feature both established and up and coming jazz artists, premieres its 2nd episode online at and on the ASPIRE TV NETWORK on Friday, April 29th at 10pm (PST)/1am (EST). The ASPiRE Television Network was created by legendary athlete and entrepreneur Earvin ‘Magic’ Johnson. The new music series is produced by All Music Television, LLC and features in depth interviews and new music from many of the biggest, brightest and popular artists and musicians in Jazz.

Jazzcat AMTV BBHosted and curated by Los Angeles Radio and Television personality LeRoy Downs, the new music series premiers its 2nd episode on the Aspire Network April 29, 2016 at 10pm PST / 1am EST.  The show will feature today’s sung and unsung heroes of jazz whose music, creativity and originality continue to lay the foundation and create the landscape of today’s music. Jazz is a music that has its roots here in America and through the ages has branched out globally literally embracing and assimilating into all countries, cultures, genres of music, and demographics from the boomers to the millennials! All Music Television is taking the power of this music and cross pollinating it with the  television media platform to broaden awareness, expose it’s creativity and to share the wonders of the music visually with a larger audience!


About All Music Television, LLC All Music Television produced ‘Live From The Blue Whale’ featuring Matthew Stevens and Gerald Clayton and Christmas Jazz with LeRoy Downs with Danny Janklow, Jazzmeia Horn, Dontae Winslow, Nicole Mitchell Theo Croker and more!  The show reached 40 million+ viewers in 22 of the top 25 US TV markets.


ASPiRE celebrates the African American experience, offering inspirational and motivational programming. It is available to over 37 million television homes on Comcast, Verizon Fios, DirecTV, DISH and AT&T U-VERSE in 22 of the top 25 US television markets. Click here to find the Aspire channel in your area!

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