The Jazzcat

Jazzcat Hosting

Listen and Enjoy “The Jazzcat” New Years Eve Throw Down on 89.9 FM

by on Dec.30, 2016, under Events, Jazzcat Hosting, News, Radio


Hello Beautiful Jazz People!

New Years Eve was a BLAST!

Saturday Morning December 31st from 3AM to 6AM


89.9 FM

IMG_5046On the edge of the music, balancing between the “was” and the “will be” of sound is where you can always find me doing my absolute best to provide you with an intelligent, thought provoking, artistic, creative endeavor in sound. Jazz is the most confusing word in music and therefore it’s hard to explain in mere words. All we ask, as the purveyors of this music called Jazz is that you…


Click for Video

  1. Come to the music openly
  2. Hear all the notes
  3. Allow yourself to feel the vibration
  4. Do NOT allow mediocre mainstream media to dictate you taste
  5. Seek, explore and settle on nothing less than extraordinary
  6. Let love and intent of the sound guide you to new destinations within yourself
  7. And most of all Enjoy!

sam-paceAlso live in Studio TONIGHT Artist Sam Pace will let the music inspire art from blank canvas to jazz brilliance! Sam created this piece called, ” The Street of Dreams” and if you look close, guess who is hosting the Thelonious Monk Sextet!!!!


So as you can see, the music will be on, the art will be on, and a whole lot of creativity will be spiritually and nocturnally seeping in to your subconscious as we approach 2017. With as much love, inspiration and positivity as we can bring forth, this energy is our gift to help keep us healthy, strong and SAFE as we face uncertainty ahead.



 Saturday Morning December 31st from 3AM to 6AM



ld-on-air-at-kcrwIt is not often that you have an opportunity to hear and enjoy pure, unadulterated JAZZ creativity coming through the airwaves here in Los Angeles.

screen-shot-2016-11-29-at-3-34-38-pmThere are but a few heroes that grace the airwaves on a consistent basis. Bo Leibowitz with “Strictly Jazz” and ld-max-on-kpfkMark Maxwell with “Rise” are the only two truly providing a great service for Los Angeles. I am honored to work with and sub for both of them whenever the occasion permits.

Friday Night / Saturday New Years Eve Morning Dec 31st


Judah Man did all the social media! Check out on Instagram


3am – 6am KCRW.ORG


The Jazzcat sitting in for Bo Leibowitz spinning a menagerie of sonic brilliance and whippin’ up magic with lot of great music by the cats you know and some you don’t!


Bring your enthusiasm for sound and your blank canvas to listen to the colors of jazz unfold, blossom and enlighten! Come on you nocturnals, weather its wine or a cup of java, stay up and let’s jam together!


P1060082 P1060081

Dec 31st, 2016

Friday Night /Saturday New Years Eve Morning


3AM to 6am Pacific Standard Time

3 Hours of Progressive, Eclectic Jazz for you dome!


The Light is ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Christmas Jazz with “The Jazzcat” LeRoy Downs

by on Dec.20, 2016, under Events, Jazzcat Hosting, News, Television



Merry Christmas to you all; All lovers of music, all lovers of JAZZ!!!

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This year once again we give to you as our gift 30 minutes of great Jazz Music for the Holidays! It’s a great show to watch on Christmas morning so please watch, enjoy and PLEASE share with your family and friends!!

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Happy Holidays from All Music Television 

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LeRoy Downs “The Jazzcat” in association with All Music Television has produced a special holiday gift for you, Jazz on TELEVISION!!! AMTV logo
This holiday season, we present to you once again “Christmas Jazz with LeRoy Downs”. Christmas Jazz is JAZZ for Christmas, original music by some extraordinary musicians who have come together to share their talents with you!
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Photographs on set by Bob Barry Photography

The show will feature performances by …

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Theo Croker, Nicole Mitchell, Danny Janklow, Dontae Winslow and the Winslow Dynasty, The Cameron Graves Trio and Introducing 2015 Thelonious Monk Vocal Competition Winner Jazzmeia Horn! Special appearances by Terence Blanchard, Jason Moran, Don Was, Christian McBride and Peter Erskine. WOW!!!!

Jazzmeia Herbie Burke

Enjoy Christmas Jazz with LeRoy Downs!!

Have a Very Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year!!

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Rhythm Times 3! LeRoy Downs hosts Jazz DTLA featuring 3 Great Drummers

by on Nov.29, 2016, under Events, Jazzcat Hosting, News

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Los Angeles!!!! Drummer some! That’s right, Rhythm times 3 as we open the space for the mighty Los Angeles drummers that have covered the gammot in music! Come listen, eat celebrate and enjoy a part of your history!!

Located inside Au Lac Restaurant

710 W 1st St Los Angeles, CA 90012


Au Lac Picture for Directionsscreen-shot-2016-11-29-at-2-35-38-pm

LdextravaI’ll be your host along with cathy_homeMs Cathy Segal Garcia and we guarantee the you will have a splendid night of music! I hear the food is fantastic so come on down, parking is easy and the music will be on high!

Look forward to seeing you tonight and we will be swinging’ the thing!

Click any picture for Tonight’s Details!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Music on the Road – Meet a New Generation of Musicians across America!

by on Nov.03, 2016, under Jazzcat Hosting, News, Television


Embark on a roadtrip across the US to meet a new generation of musicians who reinvent genres and are looking for new sounds. From New York to New Orleans via Chicago and the Wild West,  Music on the Road takes you to the against-comings of American culture.



From east to west, Brooklyn Los Angeles  Music on the Road is a musical web series that headphones to make the most of spatial sound. Guided by the voice of the American radio host LeRoy Downs, immersed in the environment and the community of each of the artists, enjoy the tempo of the 2016 America!

New York Episode 1                                   Detroit Episode 2

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Chicago Episode 3                                      Nashville Episode 4

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Memphis Episode 5                                  New Orleans Episode 6

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Austin Episode 7                                          Far West Episode 8

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Los Angeles Episode 9                               San Francisco Episode 10

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The Gruiec Yoann
Yoann Le Gruiec is cinematographer and director. He recently worked on various documentaries for the American channel PBS, the last was Solar Impulse , The perpetual flight. Benoit Pergent Benoit Pergent was notably editor and cameraman for a New York television show sofa . Since he has made short films and documentaries mounted. He also wrote a thesis on film by Steven Spielberg. #MOTR

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Listen to the Jazzcat Coltrane Tribute Show!!!!

by on Sep.23, 2016, under Events, Jazzcat Hosting, News, Radio


 Celebrating the 90th Birthday of John Coltrane


A 90th Birthday Trane Celebration

Click any Picture and Listen!!!


maggielepiqueMaggie Lepique will start the celebration off at 11am to 1pm with Coltrane give-a-ways and some special guest talking about experiences with the great John Coltrane



LeRoy will continue with the 2nd half of the celebration at 8pm


Tune in and enjoy and experience from one of the most prominent Masters of the Music



Tonight it’s not the A Train to Harlem, it’s the Coltrane to inner peace and spirituality!

This music is so precious and I love all of our creative jazz monuments young and old. It is my duty to present the best in the music for an experience in sound!

Click it and Dig it !!!!!

Let’s spend some time together, I’ll spin and you enjoy. That sounds like a good deal!

Happy to once again be on the air at 90.7 FM KPFK. Click any pic and Listen Live!!

June 17, 2016 Show


90.7 FM or KPFK.ORG


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LeRoy Downs hosts the 59th Annual Monterey Jazz Festival!!

by on Sep.04, 2016, under Events, Festivals, Jazzcat Hosting, News

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59th Annual Monterey Jazz Festival

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The Place to be in the West where it all comes together. The line-up this year is CRAZY STUPID!!!! So much good music that you will be guaranteed not to sleep this weekend!!! A Celebration of the best music on the planet, JAZZ and you NEED to be here!!!! What could be better than 3 days in the beautiful Monterey Peninsula with the BEST in the music!!! You really can’t afford not to come. Whatever it takes!!! This will be an experience that you will treasure for an eternity!!!!!

Come by Dizzy’s Den and let’s hang out and do the music right!!!!


LD on Stage in Monterey

It has been such a pleasure to be your host for so many years at Monterey so, let’s do it again!!!!


 Clip from years past stream with Lou Donaldson

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See you here!!!!!

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Special Bobby Hutcherson Broadcast Saturday @ 3am on 89.9

by on Aug.18, 2016, under Interviews, Jazzcat Hosting, News, Radio

LD and Bobby

Hello Beautiful Jazz People!

We have lost a tremendous radiant being. Bobby has meant so much to me in my career as a musician, father figure and friend. Of course his vibraphone resonates throughout the Universe but, so does his smile, his laugh and his presence.

Bobby on Stage

Special 3hr Bobby Hutcherson Broadcast

Listen Live

Saturday August 20th

(Late Friday Night/Early Saturday Morning)

3am – 6am


Wherever you are in the world, Paris, London, Tokyo, Brazil, Chicago, Amsterdam I promise that if you tune in, you are going to hear some great music, some musicians talk about how Bobby influenced them and, you get to hear from Bobby himself from an interview we did way back in the day. Love, Laugh, Cry, LISTEN….

Teddy Bobby McCoy and LeRoy

Teddy Hutcherson, Bobby Hutcherson, McCoy Tyner, LeRoy Downs

A night to honor our beloved hero of the music, dear friend and sweetest man in Jazz!

Bobby Hutcherson 

Bobby LD Monterey

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Aug 20th, 2016

Saturday Morning


3AM to 6am Pacific Standard Time

3 Hours of Progressive, Eclectic Jazz for you dome!


The Light is ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Listen to The Jazzcat SLAMMING’ on KCRW.Com

by on Aug.12, 2016, under Events, Jazzcat Hosting, News, Radio


Hello Beautiful Jazz People!

Are you ready for more love and music! The Jazzcat slinging’ that old school avant guard! Jazz presented at it’s finest! Click any picture and enjoy!

Saturday August 13th

3am – 6am


The Jazzcat sitting in for Bo Leibowitz spinning a menagerie of sonic brilliance and whippin’ up magic with lot of great music by the cats you know and some you don’t!


Bring your enthusiasm for sound and your blank canvas to listen to the colors of jazz unfold, blossom and enlighten! Come on you nocturnals, weather its wine or a cup of java, stay up and let’s jam together!


I’m just sayin’ tune in for a great night/morning of good music! As usual I have scoured my record collection and have selected way too many cd’s to carry into the studio but, they will for sure help me in carving out the most delectable sound experience for you!

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Aug 13th, 2016

Saturday Morning


3AM to 6am Pacific Standard Time

3 Hours of Progressive, Eclectic Jazz for you dome!


The Light is ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Listen to The Jazzcat July 29th show on KPFK! Beautiful Sound Experience!!!!

by on Jul.29, 2016, under Jazzcat Hosting, News, Radio


 Friday July 29th show was AWESOME!

Click any pic and enjoy!!!!


This music is so precious and I love all of our creative jazz monuments young and old. It is my duty to present the best in the music for an experience in sound!

Click it and Dig it !!!!!

Let’s spend some time together, I’ll spin and you enjoy. That sounds like a good deal!

Happy to once again be on the air at 90.7 FM KPFK. Click any pic and Listen Live!!

June 17, 2016 Show


90.7 FM or KPFK.ORG

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