The Jazzcat

Bobby Hutcherson back at Catalina Bar and Grill

by on Jul.04, 2005, under News


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last week I was at home all day, and for once I had some time to chill.

A Saturday afternoon with all kinds of little odds and ends to take

care of around the house. I had about nine Bobby Hutcherson albums cued

up on my MP3 player and it was the most beautiful afternoon of music

that I have had the chance to experience in quite some time. Usually,

you don’t get a chance to listen to hours of uninterrupted music but,

it was the perfect setting for my day.


Tonight, I was a little bit tired from a week of

running but, tired is no excuse not to go out and hear one of the most

beautiful and inspirational contributors to jazz music. Bobby is a

wonderful human being let alone one of our masters of this music. He is

full of personality and it is present all throughout his music. Tonight

Bobby is playing with a few local cats Joe Bagg on piano, and old time

compadres Tony Dumas on bass and Ralph Penland on drums.


I arrived only in enough time to catch the last

two tunes of the first set. On the break I waited to talk to Bobby.

People always flock to him and he always makes sure to talk to

everyone. I have been so moved by the lovely music that he has been a

part of creating all of these years I wanted to give him a gift. I

brought him a Jazzcat cap. At this time there are only 12 in existence

but, soon more to come just in case you would like to sport one as well!


I got to visit with Bobby and he talked the whole

break. He did not even drink his coffee. I love listening to all of the

stories that he shares with his captivating delivery, just like the

music! The cat has a lovely vibe!!!


Many people stayed for the second set of the first night of his run at Catalina Bar

and Grill. Each time I come to see him he has someone in the audience

that he has not seen for forty years. This time is was some childhood

neighborhood friends and they had a good time catching up.


Back on the bandstand, Bobby’s playing is so

effortless. His vibes float, dive, swirl and dig in to tasty rhythms.

Taking standards and disguising them with color, texture, emotion and

free polytonal love.


I know that most musicians have a good time when

they play but, Bobby always has the biggest fun. It is a kick to watch

his facial expressions as his imagination comes across something that

makes him smile and laugh. It must be nice to go through life just

playing, creating, laughing and leaving a legacy of great music behind.


He called out to see if his wife Rose, who was

sitting with me, was still in the audience. (Like she would leave?). He

played “I Thought About You”, for her. Still a romantic after so many

years. It all shows up in his playing, sensitive, exciting, delightful

and beautiful. One of my forever heros of jazz music!

Click here for Catalinas Calander of events

LeRoy Downs


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