The Jazzcat

The Jazzcat on KCRW Saturday Morning Dec 2nd Listen!!!

by on Nov.29, 2017, under Jazzcat Hosting, News, Radio

Hello Beautiful Jazz People!

The Jazzcat on KCRW Friday Night/ Saturday Morning!!!

Saturday December 2nd

KCRWClick Picture above for MUSIC!!!

3am – 6am

The show was slamming’ and just bursting with all of the best creativity that our would of musicians have to offer. Listen to the 3 hours by clicking pictures above or below and I guarantee you won’t be disappointed!!!

Peep the Playlist!!!


Join me for an eclectic journey spinning and weaving through signatures and steering clear of the neighborhood where 4th Ave and 4th street reside! A cerebral mix of emotions that relish the times past and present.

89.9 FM


The one thing I love is playing and discovering new and exciting music. We live in a world of mediocracy and there is no reason to program music anything less than SPECTACULAR! I consider myself a seeker, constantly on the prowl for extraordinary sounds. Stay tuned for a special eclectic  experience as we paint mosaics with Sounds and Colors! Beauty dancing on the edge of daring and provocative with a splash of nocturnal perplexing orgasmic composition! If you are thirsty for exciting music that you may not have heard or that your certainly won’t here on your average radio station then please, tune in! Creating a new personality for your definition of JAZZ! Signatures ranging way beyond your normal 4/4 patterns and, it DON’T look like your daddy’s music! 21st Century creations mixed with the avant guard beauty of the past makes for a brilliant blend of relevant parallel musical time lines. Homage to the past, Amen to the future!

Instructions for enjoyment

  1. Come to the music openly
  2. Hear all the notes
  3. Allow yourself to feel the vibration
  4. Do NOT allow mediocre mainstream media to dictate you taste
  5. Seek, explore and settle on nothing less than extraordinary
  6. Let love and intent of the sound guide you to new destinations within yourself
  7. And most of all Enjoy!

ld-on-air-at-kcrwIt is not often that you have an opportunity to hear and enjoy pure, unadulterated JAZZ creativity coming through the airwaves here in Los Angeles.

screen-shot-2016-11-29-at-3-34-38-pmThere are but a few heroes that grace the airwaves on a consistent basis. KCRW’s Bo Leibowitz with “Strictly Jazz” and KPFK’s ld-max-on-kpfkMark Maxwell with “Rise” are but a few truly providing a great service for Los Angeles. I am honored to work with and sub for both of them whenever the occasion permits.

Friday Night / Saturday Morning

“The Wee Hours”

December 2nd


3am – 6am KCRW.ORG

The Jazzcat sitting in for Bo Leibowitz spinning a menagerie of sonic brilliance and whippin’ up magic with lot of great music by the cats you know and some you don’t!


Bring your enthusiasm for sound and your blank canvas to listen to the colors of jazz unfold, blossom and enlighten! Come on you nocturnals, weather its wine or a cup of java, stay up and let’s jam together!

P1060082 P1060081

December 2nd, 2017 3am


Friday Night /Saturday  Morning

3AM to 6am Pacific Standard Time

3 Hours of Progressive, Eclectic Jazz for you dome!


The Light is ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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