The Jazzcat

LeRoy Downs hosts Dizzy’s Den @ The 56th Annual Monterey Jazz Festival Sept 20 – 22nd!

by on Sep.01, 2013, under News


Spend a weekend with the best and longest running Jazz Festival

The 56th Annual Monterey Jazz Festival

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LeRoy Downs introducing Lou Donaldson on the Night Club Stage at Monterey!

Sounds and Colors Arts Report with

The Monterey Jazz Festival Art Director

Tim Jackson

Tim Jackson_MJF51_2008_556_(c) Craig Lovell

Click on Tim Jackson


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The entire festival is going to be outstanding with a well crafted line-up of extraordinary “Jazz Musicians”! Come to Monterey for the weekend and spend some time with us. I will be over at Dizzy’s Den so make sure to stop by,  say hello and enjoy the MUSIC!!!!!!

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LeRoy Downs – The Jazzcat at Dizzy’s Den at MJF 2012

Screen shot 2013-09-12 at 10.30.29 PMDiana

Screen shot 2013-09-12 at 10.03.34 PMGeorge

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