Listen to the Jazzcat Coltrane Tribute Show!!!!
by jazzcat on Sep.23, 2016, under Events, Jazzcat Hosting, News, Radio
Celebrating the 90th Birthday of John Coltrane
A 90th Birthday Trane Celebration
Click any Picture and Listen!!!
Maggie Lepique will start the celebration off at 11am to 1pm with Coltrane give-a-ways and some special guest talking about experiences with the great John Coltrane
LeRoy will continue with the 2nd half of the celebration at 8pm
Tune in and enjoy and experience from one of the most prominent Masters of the Music
Tonight it’s not the A Train to Harlem, it’s the Coltrane to inner peace and spirituality!

This music is so precious and I love all of our creative jazz monuments young and old. It is my duty to present the best in the music for an experience in sound!
Click it and Dig it !!!!!
Let’s spend some time together, I’ll spin and you enjoy. That sounds like a good deal!
Happy to once again be on the air at 90.7 FM KPFK. Click any pic and Listen Live!!
June 17, 2016 Show
90.7 FM or KPFK.ORG