The Jazzcat

LeRoy Downs Returns to 88.1fm KKJZ as Saturday Afternoon Program Host

by on Apr.23, 2008, under Events, News, Radio

Yes, it is true! I received a call last week from the station manager at radio station 88.1 FM KKJZ about returning to the air as an on-air jazz program host. My show will be

Saturday 12pm – 2pm

88.1FM & JazzAndBlues.ORG

Starting April 26th
so mark your calendars

I look forward to providing you with the best jazz music experience ever!

It has been 5 long years since I have had my own show and believe me the knowledge has grown infinitely. So, if you dug the music then, buckle your seat belts because the return will be an even better cognitive journey into space, time, rhythm and harmonic love!

Click Picture above to go to LeRoy Downs KKJZ webpage

The station will be interested in your comments so please do not hesitate to write, email or call into the station and let them know what you think!

I will also Really Really Really need your support during pledge time so please pledge during the show and let's all do our thing for the music!

 Look forward to seeing you there.

Peace, Love and Jazz Music!


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